General Quiz

  1. Patient presented with painless slow growing swelling which started 9 months ago. It is located on left mandibular ramus, anterior to the left ear. Histological report shows mixture of glandular epithelium and myoepithelial cells within a mesenchymal like background. What is the diagnosis?
    A. Pleomorphic adenoma
    B. Warthin tumour
    C. Squamous cell carcinoma
    D. Lipoma
  1. A 4 years old boy presented to your clinic with pain. On examination, tooth 55 is indicated for extraction. What appliance would you give in this case?
    A. Distal shoe
    B. Band & loop
    C. Crown & loop
    D. Nance appliance
  1. A mother called your mother that her 7 years old daughter just had a fall and one of her upper front tooth has came out in place. What would you advised the mother?
    A. Implant the tooth back
    B. To bring the tooth to clinic in milk
    C. To put the tooth under the tongue
    D. To bring the tooth to clinic in dry
  1. A 45 years old patient, Mr A with history of mitral valve replacement requiring dental extraction. He is allergic to penicillin. How would you proceed with extraction?
    A. Tab Amoxicillin 2g 1 hour prior to extraction
    B. IV Ampicillin 2g 1 hour prior to extraction
    C. Tab Clindamycin 600mg 1 hour prior to extraction
    D. Tab Clindamycin 600mg right before extraction
  1. A 65 years old patient, Mr A, requires denture for his missing teeth. On examination, it is noted that 18, 17, 16, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28 are missing. What is the suitable direct retainer to be placed on patient 14/24?
    A. Circumferential clasp
    B. Y bar
    C. T bar
    D. I bar
  1. A 8 years old girl was brought by mother into the clinic, complained of pain on cold water for seconds but no pain affects sleep. IOPA shows 46 with deep caries approximating pulp, open apex, no periapical lesion noted. On caries exploration, pulpal exposure with bleeding encountered. What is the best approach in this case?
    A. Indirect pulp capping
    B. Direct pulp capping
    C. Pulpotomy
    D. Root canal treatment
  1. A 20 years old female presented to clinic with haemorrhagic crusting of lips. She had URTI recently and was prescribed antibiotics. What is your diagnosis?
    A. Apthous ulcerations
    B. Erythema multiforme
    C. Pemphigus vulgaris
    D. Mucous membrane pemphigoid
  1. Which Ottawa Charter is involved when the local authority implement smoke free zone in public area?
    A. Build healthy public policy
    B. Strengthen community action
    C. Create supportive environment
    D. Develop personal skills
  1. A 11 years old girl was brought by her parents to clinic due to delayed eruption of some adult teeth. Clinical and radiographic examination shows 32 and 42 are congenitally missing. What is her IOTN scores?
    A. 2
    B. 3
    C. 4
    D. 5
  1. An anxious patient presented to your clinic for extraction of a grossly decay 18. What should you tell the patient?
    A. Tell every possible risk to the patient
    B. Tell significant risk to the patient
    C. Tell risks with major complications
    D. Tell nothing to the patient
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Li Ying
2 years ago

Please continue to share more questions, they are very useful.