General Quiz 3

  1. Mr A comes into the dental clinic with concern of staining on his teeth. Upon history taking, Mr A is a heavy smoker for the past 20 years. His readiness to quit is only 1. He does not want to quit smoking anytime sooner. Which stage he is at?

A. Precontemplation stage

B. Contemplation stage

C. Action stage

D. Relapse

2. Upon examination, you noted multiple ICDAS code 2 and 3 on patient’s posterior teeth. What’s the next step?

A. Restoration

B. Monitor

C. Caries risk asssement

D. Radiograph


3. Patient presented with severe toothache disturbing sleep. Upon examination, you noticed the tooth is noncavitated with deep pocket of 7mm on the palatal side. What is the probably diagnosis?

A. Gingival abscess
B. Periodontal abscess

C. Cracked tooth syndrome

D. Irreversible pulpitis


4. You are taking a secondary impression for edentulous patient with burning mouth syndrome and deep undercut noted on the anterior ridge. Which material would you choose?

A. Alginate

B. Zinc oxide eugenol

C. Addition silicone

D. Eugenol free impression paste


5. A 25 years old male presented with concern of mobile teeth over right lower posterior region. Extraorally, no swelling is noted. Panoramic radiograph shows multilocular radiolucency extending from 45 to 47 with root resorption. What is the likely diagnosis?

A. Ameloblastoma

B. Odontogenic keratocyst

C. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour

D. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour


6.  Dr X is recording number of new cases of oral cancer. What measurement is this?

A. Prevalence

B. Incidence

C. Risk

D. Odds


7. What is the best radiograph to estimate the buccolingual position of a submandibular ductal stone?

A. Periapical radiograph

B. Occlusal radiograph

C. Panoramic radiograpg



8.Upon deep caries management, you encounter pulp exposure but no bleeding. Periapical radiograph shows close proximity to pulp with no periapical lesion. How would you proceed?

A. Direct pulp capping

B. Indirect pulp capping 

C. Calcium hydroxide and temporary filling

D. Initiate RCT

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