Oral potentially malignant disorders

  1. Which stage of syphilis is a pre-disposing condition to oral cancer?
    1. Primary Stage
    2. Secondary Stage
    3. Tertiary Stage 
    4. Syphilis is not a predisposing condition to oral cancer
  2. Which of the following malignancies has the highest incidence of metastasizing to jaws?
    1. Thyroid
    2. Breast 
    3. Prostate
    4. Renal
  3. The leukoplakia appears white basically because
    1. increased thickness of epithelium due to acanthosis
    2. excess keratin reflecting the entire spectrum of visible light
    3. excess keratin reflecting only the visible red spectrum of the visible light
    4. reduced vascularity in the underlying connective tissue
  4. Oral hairy leukoplakia usually manifests on
    1. lateral border of the tongue with horizontal streaking of keratin
    2. lateral border of the tongue with vertical streaking of keratin 
    3. dorsal surface of the tongue in HIV positive individuals
    4. both the dorsal and ventral surface of the tongue in HIV positive individuals
  5. Oral submucous fibrosis is primarily a disorder of
    1. overlying epithelium
    2. underlying connective tissue
    3. muscle fiber
    4. blood vessels
  6. Which is the preferred method of biopsy in case of malignant involvement of lymph node?
    1. Fine needle aspiration
    2. Incisional Biopsy
    3. Excisional Biopsy
    4. No biopsy required
  7. When performing an incisional biopsy from a suspected erythroleukoplakia, the best possible site is that involves
    1. center of the lesion
    2. edge of the lesion
    3. lesion along with normal region
    4. both red and white areas 
  8. The virus implicated in the etiolog of oral hairy leukoplakia is
    1.  HSV
    2. EBV
    3. HPV
    4. HIV
  9. “Ebbing tide type” leukoplakias are described in which part of oral cavity?
    1. Buccal Mucosa
    2. Gingiva
    3. Vestibule
    4. Floor of mouth
  10. Widely accepted etiological factors in the case of oral submucous fibrosis
    1. Tobacco
    2. Areca Nut
    3. Chillies
    4. Vitamin deficiency
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