1. Among all of these radiographic findings for third molar in relation to the IAN. Which has the least significant risk of developing post surgery paraesthesia.
A. Darkening of roots.
B. Diversion of canal
C. Narrowing of canal
D. Cortication of white lines
E. Deflection of canal
Answer : D
2. Patient came to your office for the extraction of her mobile LL4, patient is taking warfarin and his INR 6 days ago is 3.1. What is your next plan?
A. Obtain patient’s latest INR
B. Extract the tooth and do local measures
C. Refer back to his medical practitioner to stop warfarin.
Answer : A
3. Patient had a history of atrial fibrillation and is taking aspirin and warfarin. He came to your office wanting to extract a teeth. What would you do?
A. Extract the tooth and do local measures
B. Ask patient to stop aspirin for a week then come again
C. Refer patient to the oral surgery department
Answer : A
4. A 12 year old child presents to you with a facial laceration on her right cheek area. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate suture material for closure of the skin?
A. Catgut
B. Dexon
C. Prolene
D. Silk
E. Vicryl
Answer :C