Management of child with toothache

Management of child with toothache 

Diagnosis Emergency mx Definitive mx
Reversible pulpitis LA

Excavate soft caries

Restore temporarily with ZnO or GIC

If exposed and vital— dress polyantibiotic paste (e.g. Ledermix., Odontopaste.)

Pulpotomy or xla

(if time and cooperation allows,

definitive Rx should be completed at first visit)

Irreversible pulpitis LA

Excavate soft caries

Dress polyantibiotic paste

Restore temporarily with ZnO or GIC

Pulpotomy/ pulpectomy or xla
Acute periradicular periodontitis LA (may not be necessary if loss of vitality is certain)

Excavate soft caries until pulp chamber accessed— dress pulp chamber with polyantibiotic paste on cotton wool

Seal with temporary dressing

Pulpotomy/ pulpectomy or xla
Acute periodontitis with facial swelling


-No or mild pyrexia (<38°C)

-Localized acute erythematous

tender ST swelling

-No significant involvement of ‘danger areas’

-Not systemically unwell

Antibiotics and analgesics

Ensure adequate fluid intake

Establish drainage via tooth (and dress) if possible

Review every 24h to ensure resolution

Xla of tooth (or pulpectomy in selected

cases) once acute phase has resolved

Acute periodontitis with facial swelling


-Significant pyrexia >38°C

-Poorly localized, spreading infection

-Systemically unwell: dehydration, lethargy, nausea, and vomiting

-Swelling involving a ‘danger

area (FOM)

*inability to feel the lower border of mandible is a serious sign


Immediate referral to specialist centre

Aggressive antibiotic Rx (e.g. amoxicillin and metronidazole)

Xla of tooth &/ or IO/ EO drainage


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