New perio classification

   1. Perio latest classification 2017, (staging, grading and state). 56 year old patient. OPG showed one missing tooth and showed 50-75% bone loss. >5mm pocket depths. 

A. Stage 4, Grade C, stable

B. Stage 4, Grade B, stable 

C. Stage 4, Grade B, unstable

D. Stage 4, Grade C, unstable 

Answer : D


2. In a patient, only LL5 have BOP , there are 4 teeth in that sextant , what is the BPE of that sextant ? April 2013, April 2017

a) 0 

b) 1 

c) 2 

d) 3 

e) 4 

Answer : B


3. BPE Score for the lower anterior teeth with the pocket depth of 3mm with recession of 3mm?  April 2018 , April 2019 

A. 0 

B. 1 

C. 2

D. 3 

E. *

Answer : A

4. The treatment of choice of patient with BPE 4* is : April 2012, April 2016 

a)OH and Scaling 

b) Flap Surgery 

c) OHI, scaling and root planning 

d) OHI , scaling , surgical root planning and GTR

e) scaling followed by Tunnel surgery under strong coverage of anaesthesia 

Answer : D

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